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Galician Digital Innovation Hub for Life Sciences

DATAlife DIH is the Digital Innovation Hub to apply artificial intelligence and big data in SMEs in the primary, biotechnology and health sectors.
The DATAlife hub was born with the vision of turning Galicia into a Bioregion of reference in Europe, improving the competitiveness of Galician SMEs.


strategic support

ingenyus* participated during 2019 in the strategic planning and proposal development to obtain the status of Digital Innovation Hub by Datalife. The initial participation was mainly linked to both consulting and representation actions, until reaching the necessary distinction in February 2020.

brand development

The identifying symbol of the DiH DATAlife brand represents the wings of a butterfly constructed from the letters “D”, “i” and “H”. The butterfly is the most representative element, since the Hub encompasses all sectors of LIFE and DATAlife’s mission is to turn Galicia into a Bioregion of reference in Europe. Therefore, Galicia would undergo a metamorphosis typical of butterflies and the growth of this is the evolution of the same.

In addition to the logo, the brand is made up of many applications, all of which are 100% personalized. From icons, infographics, presentations and corporate material offline and online.

Home Datalife

web design

DATAlife’s website is created based on UX principles, generating a pleasant experience for the user and is 100% responsive, adapting to different devices. This information window is the presentation of the Hub and contains dynamic sections that are continuously evolving and growing.

You can visit at this link enlace.

DiH DATAlife web

design and content of social media and mailing

We drew up DATAlife’s social media plan defining the channels through which we were going to communicate with the audience, the actions to be taken on social networks and the style of communication. DATAlife is currently present on LinkedIn and Twitter and you can subscribe to the newsletter so you don’t miss anything.



We are experts in

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