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ERIC for early drug discovery

ES-OPENSCREEN is the Spanish node of the ERIC EU-OPENSCREEN research infrastructure that integrates the main European high-capacity platforms for drug screening.

Its main objective is to strategically position the research in biomedicine and chemistry of Spanish groups, connecting them to the ERIC EU-OPENSCREEN.

At ingenyus* we have collaborated in the marketing, communication and positioning strategy of the Spanish node.

estrategia openscreen


The collaboration is focused on the positioning strategy of the Spanish node, in which the development of an online map of capabilities plays a prominent role that allows the connection of Spanish biological chemistry research with the European high-capacity screening consortium for discovery. early treatment of drugs.

As an essential part of this consulting process, the strategy for attracting potential interested parties must be determined as well as the system and process for obtaining information to display on the web.


graphic & web design

Based on the ERIC image, an evolution is designed for the Spanish node. With the new image, the design and development of the corporate website that will house the Observatory is carried out  es-openscreen  which has acted as the backbone of digital communication. .

The website stands out for its simplicity and its orientation towards attracting potential people interested in registering with the observatory who respond to the previously defined system.

observatory of drug discovery capabilities in Spain

Ingenyus works with the ES-OPENSCREEN, in collaboration with the SDDN, Farmaindustria, ASEBIO, and other relevant agents on the national panorama of the drug discovery sector for the creation of the Observatory.

Its purpose is to compile and show the capabilities of Spanish entities that work on drug discovery and their connection and integration with other international networks and initiatives.

mapa capacidades

simplicity and ease of use

The observatory allows filtering by previously defined categories as well as individual registration by interested entities. To facilitate the process, at ingenyus* we develop both manuals in document form and explanatory videos that allow any user to properly follow the process.

European Chemistry Library

Ingenyus* has carried out the editing and production of the video associated with the construction of the library promoted by the ERIC. With more than 40,000 compounds, free bioprofiling and public access, it allows updating through a fully optimized process..



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